You know those "if, then" situations? Ya, conditions are something like that. It’s important to note that there are two different ways you can apply conditions to your One Pass Templates.
One way to do it, is you can add conditions to your documents within your ClientPoint. For example, if you want your users to have the ability to include or not include certain documents to their ClientPoints based on a particular document, you can set those conditions up from the files page in your ClienPoint. We’ll go over this option first.
Another way to do it, is you can add conditions to content within your word document(s). For example, if you want your users to have the ability to add or remove specific sentences or paragraphs to/from a document, you can set these conditions up directly in the word document. We’ll get back to this.
Adding Conditions Within your ClientPoint
Adding conditions to your template can be done here in your files section. These types of conditions are for if/then scenarios for your documents. For example: You can make sure that if your Users add document X then, document Y will automatically NOT be included into the ClientPoint.
Here’s how it works:
- Go to your Files section in your One Pass Template.
- Add all of your documents to the template.
On the left side, click on and highlight the document that you need to create the condition for, choose more, and find Conditions.
Fill in the comment with the appropriate syntax, for example: %DELETE-FILE%(^AppendixB^ == {on})
* To see a breakdown of this condition, please scroll down to the One Pass Template Conditions Guide.
Choose Submit.
- Repeat this step as many times necessary.
Adding Conditions Within your Word Document
If you need to make more specific if/then scenarios within your documents, you’ll need to apply these conditions directly into your word documents. Meaning these conditions must be added to your document(s) prior to uploading it to your content library. For example: You can make sure that if your Users add document X, they’ll have the ability to include or not include specific parts of the document’s content.
Here’s how it works:
- Open up your word document and locate the place(s) you’d like your users to have the ability to either include or not include.
Highlight the section that you wish to add the condition to and choose the comment feature.
Fill in the comment with the appropriate syntax (See below One Pass Template Conditions Guide for what your syntax should look like) and choose comment/save.
- Repeat this step as many times as needed.
- Save your word document(s) and upload it into your content library as an Advanced Merge Document.
- To associate these conditions to the documents in your One Pass Template, you will need to fill in conditions in the Tree Builder section. For more information on this, please check out our One Pass Template (for administrators) Knowledge Base Article and scroll down to Tree Builder.
One Pass Template Conditions Guide:
Conditions to apply in the comments of your Word Document:
To remove full paragraphs, bullets, multiple paragraphs, images, and charts:
%DELETE%(^first_name^ == {Mary})
To remove a table:
%DELETE-TABLE%(^first_name^ == {Mary})
To remove a table and the paragraph return after it:
%DELETE-TABLEP%(^first_name^ == {Mary})
To remove a table row:
%DELETE-ROW%(^first_name^ == {Mary})
To remove text within a paragraph:
%DELETE-TEXT%(^first_name^ == {Mary})
Conditions to apply while in your ClientPoint:
For use within Conditions on ClientPoint Files Page to delete the entire file
%DELETE-FILE%(^AppendixB^ == {on})
Comment Block Syntax
0 will be unchecked and 1 will be checked, Radio or Text will use value in {}
Testing for Equality (if it’s equal to)
This will test if the value in a tag is equal to the value in {} (If it’s not equal to)
The will test if the value in a tag is not equal to the value in {}
These will test greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, less than or equal to
You can chain the equality tests with logic.
This will test if the condition on the left and right are both true
This will test if the condition on the left or the condition on the right is true
All tag names should not contain spaces
Complex Conditions
You can also have more complex conditions such as these:
(^First_Name^ != {Mary})
(^First_Name^ == {Mary} AND ^Last_Name^ != {Evans})
((^First_Name^ == {Mary} AND ^Last_Name^ != {Evans}) OR ^Awesome^ == {on})
(^First_Name^ == {Mary} OR ^Last_Name^ != {Evans})
(^Amount^ > 3000)
(^Amount^ < 3000)
(^Amount^ <= 3000)
(^Amount^ >= 3000)
Checkbox Field
To test a checkbox field the value is the tag name. For instance this checkbox value would
be PriorityShipping on the form or tree.
(^PriorityShipping^ == {on})
(^PriorityShipping^ == {off})
Radio Field
To test a radio button. The tag name would be Color and the value would be green
(^Color^ == {green})
Syntax Sub Fields
In a drop down value you can use JSON to have sub-fields:
JSON Coding
This is used in a drop down where you want to have subfields
Also you can set a default this way
TODO add default instructions
Also you can map to CRM using this:
TODO add CRM mapping instructions
"Terms":"the General Terms and Conditions",
"NetTerms":"Net 30"}
"Terms":"the Consulting Services Agreement dated May 27, 2013 (“MSA”) between GMA and Great Corp","NetTerms":"Net 30"}
{"Street":"123 Target Street","City":"Targetville", "State":"CA","PostalCode":"21111"}
*Be very particular with the syntax, always use double quotes.
In the advanced merge document use tags like this:
^Address::City^, ^Address::State^ ^Address::PostalCode^
One Pass Conditions available to add within Advanced Merge Documents containing Products:
%DELETE%({ProductNo} IN ^Product_Selectors:ProductSelectorTagName^)
%DELETE%({ProductNo} NOTIN ^Product_Selectors:ProductSelectorTagName^)
Conditions for Removing Product Pricing:
%DELETE%({totalprice} IN ^Product_Tags^)
%DELETE%({totalprice} NOTIN ^Product_Tags^)
Conditions for Removing Products from Being Selected:
%DELETE%({ProductTag} IN ^Product_Tags:ProductSelectorTagName^)
%DELETE%({ProductTag} NOTIN ^Product_Tags:ProductSelectorTagName^)
Note: One Pass Template is available as an add-on for Sales Accelerator. For Enterprise accounts, One Pass Template is available upon request. For assistance, please email
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