Custom Fields in ClientPoint allow users to tailor forms and data collection to fit specific needs. These fields can be incorporated into different workflows, enabling more flexibility and personalization within the platform. Here's a step-by-step guide to setting up your custom fields:
Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Custom Fields
Step 1: Access Settings
- Go to Settings: Log into your ClientPoint account and navigate to the admin side by clicking on the Settings option.
Step 2: Select "Custom Fields"
- Choose Custom Fields: In the Settings menu, click on Custom Fields to enter the configuration page for adding and managing your custom fields.
Step 3: Add Custom Field
- Click "Add Custom Field(s)": Once on the Custom Fields page, click the button to add a new field.
Step 4: Complete the Pop-Up Form
- Name: The label for your custom field (ex. Start Date, Entity Type, Lead Source, etc.)
Type: The field entry type for your custom field. There are 6 field types to choose from:
- Text - provides a "fill-in-the blank" text field, ideal for custom fields such as names, prices or numbers.
- Text Area - provides a larger text field, ideal for text with multiple lines, like addresses.
- Select - allows you to create a drop-down menu, with several options to choose from (ex. version number, deal stage, lead source, etc.)
- Checkbox - provides one or more boxes to check or uncheck. With checkboxes, 1 or more options can be selected. (ex. Requires P.O., Additional Service Options, etc.)
- Radio Button - like the Select option, Radio buttons allow the user to select just 1 option out of multiple.
- Date - allows one to type in or select a date from a calendar menu. Date fields are used for custom fields such as Start Date, Expected Close Date, Date of Last Interaction, and more.
- Workspace: If you have multiple Workspaces within your ClientPoint account, you will be prompted to choose the Workspace where you would like this custom field to be available. Click HERE for more information on Workspaces and Divisions.
Parent Types: You may opt to have the custom field be available only when certain selections are made. You can choose to make your custom field dependent on:
- Division
- Region
- Market
- Service
- Sub-Service
- Parent Options: Depending on the Parent Type selected, you will then be asked to choose which Division/Region/Market/etc. that will prompt the custom field.
- Tag Name: If you are looking to map your custom field from a third party (i.e. CRM) or within a Merge Document in your Content Library, you may add that merge tag here (without the ^^'s).
- Option Name: The label for the field option. Option Name appears for Select, Checkbox and Radio fields only.
- Option Value: The value is like a Tag Name, as it can be used to map fields into merge documents, as well as for conditions. Option Value appears for Select, Checkbox and Radio fields only.
- Conditions: You may apply a condition to your Select, Checkbox, and Radio fields to be selected automatically, based on the input of a Parent field. Please see the sample condition below:
- %SELECT%(^Lead_Source^ == {Email_Campaign})
- %SELECT% indicates the action that you would like to make for the field
- The parentheses ( ) hold the condition (the "if" statement)
- ^Lead_Source^ is the Tag name for the Parent field
== indicates that the option will be selected if the Parent field selection is equal to "X". You can use != for not equal to "X".
- {Email_Campaign} is the Option Value in the Parent field that triggers the selection. For checkbox fields, you will instead want to indicate if the field is {off} or {on} (see below):
Other examples of conditions:
- %SELECT%(^Lead_Source^ != {Email_Campaign}) - this means that the option will be selected if the parent option is NOT Email_Campaign
- %SELECT%(^PO_Needed^ != {on}) - this means that the option will be selected if PO_Needed is NOT checked
- %SELECT%(^Deposit^ > 10000) - this means that the option will be selected if the Deposit field has a value of over 10000)
Custom Field Options: You can opt to configure your custom field, using the checkboxes at the bottom of the menu:
- Enabled - checking this box will make the custom field visible within the Info tab, when creating a ClientPoint.
- Show on manage screen for search - checking this box will allow you to view this field in the Manage Screen, and allow you to filter your ClientPoints, based on the value(s) of this custom field.
- Show on top of search - This will place the custom field toward the lefthand side of the Manage Screen columns (near the Client name)
- Read-only - This makes the field un-editable within the Info screen. This option is ideal if you are mapping in the custom field from your CRM.
- Mandatory - This option requires the field to be completed. Users will not be able to add Files to their ClientPoint until they fill out that field.