In this post, you will learn how to create a Salesforce report of Opportunities with ClientPoints (e.g. Opportunities with Proposals) using the Salesforce Report Builder.
How to create a report of Opportunities with ClientPoints
- To get started, header over to the Reports tab. If you don't see it, click on the App Launcher (9 dots). Then, click "New Report".
- Next, select a Report Type and choose "Opportunities with Proposals". If you do not see this option, make sure to choose "All" under Category on your left and using the search box enter "proposal".
- You'll be taken to the reports canvas. The first thing you'll want to do is select your filters by clicking on the Filter's tab. You can update the native filters, as well as add customer filters.
If "Update Preview Automatically" is turned off, you'll need to hit refresh to see your results. - Next, header over to the "Outline" tab where you can choose which fields are displayed in your report. Native reports come with certain fields displayed as default. You can remove these by clicking the "x" next to them or reorder them by dragging and dropping up and down.
Hit "Refresh" if needed to see your updated report.
The following are ClientPoint columns you can add to your report:
Proposal: ID
Proposal: Proposal Name
Proposal: Created By
Proposal: Created Date
Proposal: Created Alias
Proposal: Last Modified By
Proposal: Last Modified Date
Proposal: Last Modified Alias - Click "Save & Run" to view your report. You'll need to give it a name, optionally a description and select the folder to store it in. Then click "Save".