To learn about how to integrate your Salesforce CRM with ClientPoint, please click here.
Now that you have integrated both your systems, you can start creating ClientPoints directly through Salesforce.
Create a new Opportunity under the Client Name: Go to Salesforce, open the client you are working for, scroll down, and under Opportunities click 'New':
- This will open up a fillable form by the name of 'New Opportunity'. Please fill this out as per your client's details:
- Simultaneously, please ensure you have logged in to your ClientPoint account in a separate tab in the same browser.
- Coming back to Salesforce, once inside the Opportunity, click on Details:
Here you can continue filling information as per your client. Once done, scroll down till you see the ClientPoint section. Click on the New button. This will launch a new tab in your browser and it will open a New ClientPoint for this specific Client/Opportunity:
- You will notice that some of the fields have been carried over to ClientPoint via Salesforce. Primarily;
Revenue (i.e. Deal Total)
Contact First Name
Contact Last Name
Contact Address
Contact Email
Contact Phone Number
- You can then continue creating a ClientPoint for this opportunity like a regular ClientPoint. You can add a document using the Add to ClientPoint option and send it over to a client for signature or review:
Bonus: Additionally, you can create a merge document that will pull information from Salesforce into your document. To learn more about Salesforce Field Mapping, please click here.
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