Please find your email client below and follow the directions to set up the iCal feed for Paperless CRM events. If you do not see your email client on the list, please email
Outlook 2007
For Public Category Events:
- Open your CRM calendar and click on iCal Feed and copy it.
- Open the Outlook 2007 program and click on the Tools -> Account Settings... menu
- Go to the Internet Calendars tab and click on New...
- Paste the iCal link into the box for the location of the Internet Calendar and click on the Add button
- Confirm or edit the Folder Name and other options and click on the OK button.
- Click on the Close button. Go to Mail view and click on Send/Receive which will connect and download the calendar entries to your computer. Click on Calendars -> Other Calendars and check the box next to the internet calendar you just created. Your CRM calendar events will then appear in your calendar view.
Outlook 2010
For Public Category Events:
- Open your CRM calendar and click on iCal Feed and copy it.
- Open up your Outlook 2010 calendar -> click the Home tab on the Ribbon -> Under Manage Calendars click on Open Calendar -> From Internet…
- Next, click on the Subscribe
- Paste the link into the New Internet Calendar field then click OK.
- Click [Yes] to the dialog box that comes up verifying you want to subscribe to it.
Outlook 2016
For Public Category Events:
- Go to Outlook 2016 > Go to the Calendar
- Next, go to the Home Tab in Outlook 2016 and click the "Open Calendar" drop-down. Select "From Internet"
- Open your CRM calendar and click on iCal Feed and copy it.
- Click "Yes" that you want to add this calendar to Outlook and subscribe to updates.
- You can view your calendar side by side or in "overlay mode" via View Tab > Click "Overlay Mode"
Outlook 365
- Open your CRM calendar and click on iCal Feed and copy it.
- Next, Go to MS Outlook 365 to add the iCal feed:
- Go to Outlook, go to the calendar > click "Add Calendar" > select "From Internet"
- Paste your CRM iCal link into the URL field > Click Add
- In the Folder Name box, type the name of the calendar as you want it to appear in Outlook, and then click OK.
- When you start Outlook, it checks the internet calendar for updates and downloads any changes. Anytime you refresh your calendars or inbox in Outlook, ClientPoint CRM will send the most up-to-date version of your ClientPoint CRM calendar.
Outlook Web App
- Open your CRM calendar and click on iCal Feed and copy it.
- Next, login to your account
- Go to the Calendar App
- Go to Import > select Subscribe
- Paste your CRM iCal link into the "Calendar URL" field. Name your calendar.
- Click Subscribe Button
- Events will appear in your calendar.
Apple iCal Instructions
To subscribe to an iCalendar feed using Apple's Calendar program:
- Open the Calendar program (in Applications)
- From the File menu select New Calendar Subscription
- Type or paste one of the two feed URLs above into Calendar URL field then click Subscribe
- Change the name and color (optional), change the Location to On My Mac (important!), and update the Auto-refresh frequency to Every day (important!), then click OK
- The events should now appear on your calendar
Google Calendar
To subscribe to an iCalendar feed using Google Calendar:
- In the left column, click on the Add link in the Other Calendars section.
- From the menu select Add by URL.
- Enter the feed URL in the dialog box then click Add Calendar.
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