NetSuite is a comprehensive business management platform, offering ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (Customer Relationship Management). Integrate NetSuite with ClientPoint to streamline sales and marketing processes. Import prospect details from NetSuite effortlessly, populating relevant fields in ClientPoint automatically. Save time and effort by eliminating manual data entry, focusing on nurturing relationships and closing deals. Leverage the combined power of both platforms for enhanced sales and marketing operations.
Step 1: Obtain Keys Required To Insert in ClientPoint Integrations:
- Account ID
- In the Setup menu, Hover Integration Submenu
- From the Integration Submenu, You need to move towards Manage Integrations Then Click on New
Before connecting with a token, an integration record is required for authentication. A new integration record should be used. The name field should be filled in along with ensuring that the ‘TOKEN-BASED AUTHENTICATION’ checkbox is checked. Upon saving you will be given a NS Consumer Key / NS Consumer secret
Note: These values will not show up again after navigating away from the page for security concerns. Store the values somewhere secure, treating them as you would a password. The values will be utilized in authentication later.
- Hover on the Setup menu on the menu bar
- In the Setup menu, Hover Users/Roles
- From User/Roles, You need to move towards Access Tokens Then Click on New
- You need to fill in Application Name, User & Role then hit Save.Upon saving you will be given a NS Token Key / NS Token Secret
How to get Account ID from Netsuite
- In Netsuite, go to Setup > Integration > Web Services Preferences
- Copy the Account ID and save it
- Enable Token Based Authentication, go to Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features navigate to the SuiteCloud subtab.
- Enable the required features:
- Client SuiteScript (prerequisite for Server side SuiteScript)
- Server SuiteScript (prerequisite for RESTlets)
- Scroll down to the Manage Authentication section and enable the Token-based Authentication if it is not already enabled.
- The configuration page must be saved for the changes to take effect.
- Token based authentication is a per user authentication and requires certain permissions in NetSuite. An existing role can be used (recommended) or a new role can be created. Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles > New
Under Authentication tab enable WEB SERVICES ONLY ROLE
- We need to give Permissions for the Role. Add the following Permissions under the Authentication section, click on Transactions:
- Establish Quotas (View)
- Opportunity (full)
- View Payment Events (View)
- Click on List, to the right of Transactions. Add the following permissions under List.
- Contacts (View)
- Customers (View)
- Employee Record (View)
- Employees (View)
- Click on Setup to the right of List. Add the following permissions under Setup.
- Access Token Management(full)
- Custom Record Types (View)
- Login using Access Tokens(full)
- User Access Tokens(full)
- View Web Services Logs(full)
- Web Services(full)
- Click Save to save User Role.
- Next, assign new role to users. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage users
- Select a User and click Edit.
- Under Roles, assign the new user role created to the user.
- Click Save when you’re done.
- Repeat this for all users.
Step 2: Submit Obtained Keys In ClientPoint Integrations:
- Log in to your ClientPoint account
- Navigate to the Settings page
- Select the Integration option
- Under the CRM Integration, find the NetSuite Manage