Merge tags makes your files personalized and dynamic. Merge tags can be used for all types of content in your word documents.
There are five types of merge tags:
- Reserved Merge Tags and
- Custom Merge Text Tags
- Text Area
- Lists
- Tables
Here are some important things to know about merge tags:
- Reserved merge tags are case sensitive.
- All merge tags must be contained in carets (^), for example, ^Rep_Name^.
- The text between the carets will become the merge field label.
- Capital letters indicate a space.
- No blank spaces in a merge tag.
For example, a Cover Letter. You will include your contact's first and last name, address in your merge document where you want your contact's information to appear. Once you submit your merge document, you will see the contact's information where the merge tags were placed.
When you're ready to upload your, now merge document, it should be uploaded into your content library as an advanced merge document.
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