The Advanced Configuration menu allows Administrators to enable/disable global settings for their ClientPoint account.
This section is about the Miscellaneous Configuration option:
Navigating to the Miscellaneous Configuration Menu
Default Language: This is the default language for the users that are logged into the system. It is not for the recipient.
Terms of use: Users can add links that would route the recipient to their Terms and Conditions.
Enable Opportunity field show in manage page: When Salesforce integration is enabled, this option shows the opportunity name in the Manage section.
Disable merge tool: Enabling this will hide the ‘Merge Tool’ button under Files > More Settings
Disable Google DOCX: This will disable the ability for the users to create a Google doc in the Content Library and in the Files screen.
Enable Merge PPT Download: When this option is enabled and there are PowerPoint presentation (.pptx) files in a ClientPoint, the user will see a "Download Merged PPT" button separately on the Download & Print section. This allows users to download PowerPoint presentation files as as .pptx instead of PDF files.
Enable default category select on manage screen: If this option is enabled, it automatically applies a default filter for all the categories.
Show ClientPoint ID on manage center: This will show a 5-digit number next to a ClientPoint on the Manage screen. This is your ClientPoint ID. Every ClientPoint has a unique ID.
Swap print and send positions: Swaps the two buttons when creating a Clientpoint
Do not update existing ClientPoints: A user can control whether a specific file would be updated in all the ClientPoints in the system once added to the Content Library.
Hide Print ability for user until status is "sent": Users won’t be able to download and print a ClientPoint until it has been sent.
Enable Thumbnail View: Provides a thumbnail view of all the files in the Files section in the Library section.
Enable Draftable document comparison: In the Local Edit functionality, users will be able to compare draftable documents once new changes are made.
Enable Direct Link: Enabling this option will allow the user to copy the direct link of any file in their ClientPoint and share it directly with anyone.