With Templates, a library of files, and native tools, every bit of information your team needs will be readily available and pre-approved by your Administrator.
Your library defaults with a Company-Wide folder, Group Wide folder and a folder for each of your Divisions.
What do these folders mean?
Company Wide
All files in Company Wide are available to all users in any Group or Division.
Group Wide
All files in Group Wide are available to all users assigned to the Group. Users not assigned to the Group will not have access to files in Group Wide.
All files in Division are available to all users assigned to that Group and that Division. Users not assigned to the Group and Division will not have access to the files in the Division folder. Click HERE to learn more about how to configure your Divisions within ClientPoint.
Sub Folders
Create subfolders within Company Wide, Group Wide or Divisions. To create subfolders go to Settings > Content Library > Files > Select Main Folder > Click Add Folder.
Upload Files into Your Library
Browse your computer and upload files into your library. ClientPoint supports the following file format: docx, xlsx, xlsm, pptx, and Google Documents. For video, the following formats are supported: avi, dv, mov, qt, mpg, mpg2, mpeg2, mpeg4, mp4, 3gp, 3g2, asf, wmv, flv, and m4v.
To upload:
- Go to Settings
- Click on Content Library
- Click Files
- On the top-left, click Add to Library
- From the drop-down, select one of the following:
- Upload Document
- Upload Video
- Add YouTube Video
- Video from Webcam
- New Google Document
- Advance Merge Document
- Webpage
- Add Attachments
- For each piece of content, you upload, you will see the option to modify the Library Name (the name that you and your team will see in the Library) and/or the TOC Name (the name that appears to recipients). Depending on the content type, you may also see buttons to enable or disable the following options:
- Required - The file will be added automatically to any ClientPoint that is created within the Group/Division where it is saved. Users cannot remove this file.
- Default - The file will be added automatically to any ClientPoint that is created within the Group/Division where it is saved, with the option to remove.
- Internal - The file will not be visible to external recipients, even if it is added into a shared ClientPoint.
- Print Only - The file will not be visible to external recipients within the ClientPoint experience, however, it can be downloaded and/or printed by clicking the Download button.
- Once you have labeled and configured your content, click Submit, and you're done!
Have any questions? Please contact support@clientpoint.net.