Fragments in ClientPoint are pre-formatted Word (.docx) files that can be inserted (injected) into other documents within your ClientPoint system. This allows for efficient document creation by reusing standardized sections of content across multiple documents. Administrators can manage these Fragments in the Fragments Library (located in Settings > Content Library > Fragments).
How to Set Up and Manage Fragments
Define Fragment Categories:
Before uploading fragments, it's essential to create Fragment Categories. These help organize the fragments within your system. You can add, edit, or delete categories by clicking on the Manage Fragment Categories option.
Add a New Fragment:
Once your categories are defined, you can upload new fragments by clicking on Manage Fragments, followed by Add a Fragment. The upload process involves selecting the appropriate Workspace and Division(s) where the Fragment will be used, as well as choosing its Category.
Unique Identifier:
Each Fragment needs a Unique Identifier to be used within a placeholder in the documents. For example, if the identifier is Exhibit_A, the placeholder in your Word document will be ^Fragments^. Ensure that the identifier does not contain any spaces. -
Adding Notes:
You can add notes to provide additional context or instructions for teammates who might use the Fragment in the future. -
Searchability and Tags:
After adding the Fragment, you can create and apply Tags to it for improved searchability within your team.
Once added, you may create and/or apply Tags to your Fragment(s) for increased searchability for your Users.