ClientPoint supports HTML files, allowing you to share dynamic content with endless possibilities for customization!
IMPORTANT: To build an HTML file to share within ClientPoint, you must have a working knowledge of CSS and HTML.
Static HTML pages
Static HTML files do not require users to provide any input fields when adding into an individual ClientPoint. While they are labeled "static," Static HTML files may contain an abundance of dynamic content. Your only limitation is your imagination!
It is important to note that any media content (i.e. CSS, image files, etc.) must be hosted online, in order for the content to be visible within your ClientPoints. If your content is not currently hosted online, you may upload the content into your Asset library. Please see our article on Assets for more details.
To upload your HTML file into your Content Library:
1. Go to Settings
2. Click on the Content Library icon
3. In the Library tab, select the folder where you wish to upload the HTML file and click Add to Library, and select Static HTML
5. Choose the HTML file you wish to upload, rename as desired, and click Submit
If you wish for your users to be able to customize the HTML output for every ClientPoint, please see Advanced HTML pages below.
Advanced HTML pages
Advanced HTML files work very similar to Advanced Merge Documents. Merge tags coded within the HTML file prompt a form for your users to complete, every time they add the HTML file into a new ClientPoint. The merge fields will change for the HTML output of that given ClientPoint, based on the unique entries provided in the form.
Content that exists within your HTML files can be managed and updated, through the use of Snippets, Fragments, and Assets.
Snippets are pieces of content that can be injected into your HTML files, allowing the content to be managed and updated - without having to update the actual HTML code. Snippets may be created to allow for your Assets to be embedded into the HTML. For more information, please see our article on Snippets.
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